Power of compounding: Creating wealth is an art, it does not come with a breeze of luck. One has to earn it with all the conviction and wisdom. Even if you start small, by the time is mature, it is plenty and by plenty we mean it is LOADS. How does all this happen? It …
Investing Lessons From Peter Lynch When it comes to Investing, Peter Lynch is known as one of the best fund managers in the history of US Stock Markets. Lynch managed the Magellan Fund, where he generated an average return of 29.2% for 13 years, which is considered one of the best performances by a mutual …
The Buffett Formula: Going to Bed Smarter Than When You Woke Up Most people go through life not really getting any smarter. Why? They simply won’t do the work required. It’s easy to come home, sit on the couch, watch TV, and zone out until bedtime rolls around. But that’s not going to help you …